Friday, July 10, 2009

Half way done!!!

This picture is late, but its really for me to see how big Im getting! This was at 17 weeks!
And Now...
20 weeks! Half way there!

I know its going to happen... but it seriously gets bigger? :)  Im a little worried how big Ill be in another 20 weeks. 


Caleb, Rebecca, Jack and Charlie said...

Sad to say, getting bigger only picks up pace, and doesn't slow down :( but our baby boys will be worth it! You have such a cute pregnant belly!

The Andelins said...

I totally feel for you right now!! Last night I went back in my archives and looked at my 20 week picture. I think I commented that I didn't feel like it could get any bigger!! It is seriously SO TINY. Then I went and looked at my 40 week shot. Oh my. Your mini gut looks adorable! Can't wait to see the little man! XOXO

Matt and Crystal said...

awe look at the bump! hopefully i can come home for a baby shower....we'll have to check prices! cross your fingers :)

Brock and Emily Gibbons said...

hahaha. no kidding! i'm nervous too! i swear i look right now (at 14/15 weeks) what you looked like at 17....omg....i feel big! lol. but you're so cute! so it inspires me!:)

Jenna said...

I want to start looking pregnant dangit! Your tummy is so cute!

tharker said...

You look fantastic! By the way, congratulations! A boy will be so much fun!!! (and I love the name cute!)

It was great to see you at Target yesterday. Isn't it fun perusing the baby aisle??

::lindsay said...

Hi Elise!

I saw your comment on Tiffani's blog and of course kinda blog snooped. Congratulations on your baby boy! That's so exciting. You look fabulous too. I heard Chase's song on the radio a few times. So awesome. I'm glad you guys are doing so well!

Lindsay Bates

Jenn Davidson said...

ahhh Elise.. I'm so excited for you! :) You're gunna be a mamma!